Tuesday, May 12, 2009

How do you define "frenemy"?

According to urbandictionary.com, here is the definition for frenemy. I first heard it on Sex and the City:

frenemy- The type of "friend" whose words or actions bring you down.(whether you realize it as intentional or not) The type of friend you ought to cut off but don't cuz...they're nice... good ...you've had good times with them. U know...they're good people that you can count on to bring you down again sometime in the near future.

Well, does anyone know anybody like that? The bitch that you can shop with but you won't tell your business to or bring around your man? Yes, that bitch, she is a FRENEMY don't let her kind ways fool you, she has an ulterior motive!!! I know a bitch that was my frenemy(not worth even naming names but if she come on here I will put her on blast), I cut her ass back in 06 and have been clean two years...lol... it was like our whole friendship was based on her bringing me down, while bringing herself up, making me look like something i wasn't while hiding who she really is. does that make sense? It got to the point where I couldn't even tell this bitch who came to see me last night because I was nervous that she would tell EVERYTHING in a conversation minus me, ya dig, so i cut her punk ass loose... Does anyone have a frenemy in their life? Frenemy experiences? Do share...


  1. Just found your blog through real adult talk and enjoying what I have read thus far. Yes, I have a frenemy currently and I am trying to cut her azz off right now. It was one thing when she lived 3 states away but she just moved back like 2 weeks ago and all of that same negativity and jealousy is running not walking back into the situation. fugg all that, I have real world issues going on don't have time to focus on all that anymore.

  2. cut her loose maggie im telling you all they try to do is bring you down!!!

  3. The only frenemies I have are in the family, I don't play hood games with people.

  4. oh yeah, I agree, cut that heffa off Maggie, life is too short to deal with ignorance.
